Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Good Enocomy...What Good Economy???

Read the news yesterday about the Brit government cutting some 104,000 civil service jobs and spending the money on other things like education,defence...and foreign aid(No wonder the Iraqis don't kidnap Brits).Wow,that's a lot of people we are talking about here.What's even stranger is that it came against a backdrop of the strongest domestic sales and exports since Labour came to power.Wow.Will the Singapore government ever point at the Brits one day and say that,hey,we need to trim the fat in our own organisations too?Imagine if that was to take place here,who'd go???Bye bye AD,loved your cheesecakes.

Well,today's Today then reported that better wages are not expected,that wages reform will continue.Well,a spectacular 11.4% year-to-year increase this quarter(ok,measured against a low base last year), a growth rate what could stand at some 9.1% for the first half of this year and folks are still not likely to get better wages.Actually,come to think of it,my friends have only got 1 raise since they started working three years ago...compared to me:I've gotten a raise every single year so far...

So people are getting overworked outside and not getting paid any better.Brits are retrenching their civil servants.All these in spite of a good economy?What good economy?

Batman spun on 5:11 PM.