Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants Part 1

I think I'd have to cut straight to the chase here.These fellows are likely to be peripheral characters anyway so the justifications of their characterisations may not be sound.But hey,I don't know them well anyway so I have to make do with what I can find out through our monthly broadcast of newbies...and my own biases.Here goes...

Toad:Toad is the former character I called Chewbacca in some other place.I can't really say I have great reason for naming him as such besides his dark,brooding looks.To some,he might be a poor man's version of a Benicio Del Toro with his deep-set.To me,he just looks like Toad.But no,he doesn't crouch.Toad is known for his leaping abilities,well,he just leaped into our department and sure don't know what he is in for,joining the Brotherhood.Or did he?I have no idea.Anyway,in the comics,Toad actually has a surprisingly great knowledge of advanced technology, thanks to his studies of machinery(remember he was repairing something in the first scene he appeared in the X-Men movie when Sabretooth failed in his mission to abduct Rogue?).In his introduction,Toad mentioned he likes to tune cars...

Mastermind:Mastermind is the newest scholar in the office.Mastermind did not appear in the X-Men movies but he is one of the original Brotherhood members.He is a mutant with the power of illusion casting.He can psionically cause other people to see, hear, touch, smell, and/or taste things which to not actually exist.He can make himself seem invisible.Now,ask yourself,have you actually noticed him around?he's being here for a while,you know.How does he make himself disappear around the office just like that?My guess?He must have the ability to create illusions.Maybe he's the one who's trapping Rogue inside her tiny cubicle since we have not heard from her for a long time.He has deceived her into believing there are no doors in or out of her office and that there are no doctors in Singapore.So despite being ill,she has not taken MCs for a long time.

The Blob:The Blob is the current head of the C-branch.Again,he is not a character that appears in the movies.In the comics,Blob is an extremely obese mutant villain in the comics,whose mutant powers relate to the mass, strength, resilience and indestructibility of his obese body.His primary ability is to become virtually immovable at will.I guess that is why he is immovable from his office.The Blob's body has several unusual properties.The first is its superhuman resistance to injury. The fat tissues that comprise the Blob's epidermis are able to absorb the impact of all kinds of projectiles,including arrows.The larger of these projectiles recoil from his body at one half the force of impact.The smaller one imbed themselves in his layers of fat tissue, enabling him to eject them by merely flexing his muscles.That is how he survives all the arrows from the upper management.

Batman spun on 10:58 AM.