Wednesday, October 12, 2005

7 Things I Plan to Do Before I Die
Live and work overseas for an extended period of time
Love,be good to and cherish someone special
Travel around the world
Design my dream home
Learn to play various musical instruments
Learn to compose
Find and Love God (Again)

7 Things I Can Do
Whip up a meal
Provide a listening ear and empathise
Being a good friend and good company
Play footie (only on grass,thank you!)
Enjoy shopping
Immerse myself in movies and music all day
Do housechores (only if I have to...)

7 (or rather 1) Thing(s) I Cannot Do
Say "I'd never do this nor that"...

7 Things That Attract Me to The Opposite/Same Sex
Gentleness in spirit
Similar in interests
Filial Piety

7 (or rather 4) Things That I Say Most Often
"Bloody hell..." (In jest)
"BYYYYYYYYE" (When teasing)
"... ... ..." (When pissed/unhappy)
"Huh?!" (When I think the other party makes no sense)

7 Celebrity Crushes
Monica Bellucci
Mika Nakashima
Maria Sharapova
Keira Knightley
Lin Zhiling
Jennifer Connelly
Eric Bana

Batman spun on 9:27 AM.