Thursday, January 26, 2006
Mad Rogue

Actually I had written a post earlier in the morning and then, for some @#$%^&* reason, Blogger was having some downtime for maintenance (GREAT! YOU @#$%^&* AT BLOGGER DO THIS TO ME! YOU WATCH OUT!) so I lost the entire post and have to retype the thing again. How nice. Twice the labour for a single piece of work.

This morning, I spent my time wondering whether I should really be working, instead of typing a post on the blog. I certainly have some things to do. And I was wondering whether I had become such a gargantuan cool cucumber that I could relax so nonchalanetly in the face of intense pressure. Or am I really just inexplicably bochap? Or is it really that I have such huge confidence in myself that I could finish the work at hand no matter what happens? I think it's really a mixture of the three, though not necessarily in equal parts.

Anyway, regarding the post title, let me recount for all you fabulous readers what exactly conspired. Yesterday evening, out of the blue, Rogue suddenly sent an email out to the Office X-Men (more specifically to Jubilee) about an annual X-Men project that had slipped out of the mind of all and sundry and which supposedly had a deadline that seems curiously alive and moving about. Well, Rogue said she wanted to clear the project and asked who had not done their parts for the project.

Gulp. My Big Jesus but that would mean just about everybody, except the conscientious Wolverine and Shadowcat who had both duly completed their jobs much much earlier. This left Jean Grey, Magma, Jubilee and me in the lurch. Banshee the lap-dog, of course, didn't have anything to do at all and hence, wasn't in the loop.

Wolverine: Great worker...just don't piss him off.

Jubilee had to reply something and well, she replied smartly by giving as little details as possible so that well, Rogue knew all that she needed (or asked) to know and she didn't really have anything to work on the rest of us.

Was that the end of it? Bloody fat hope. Rogue then sent an email asking, I quote, "Can you clearly state the topics and who is in charge. Will approach them directly."

Oh, my Lord Jesus. This email frankly sent some of us into a frenzy. Rogue actually seems to mean business this time, which was very unlike her usual self. But what to do now? Was there even anything else that Jubilee could do? Simply nothing. So Jubilee duly sent the list of relevant culprits to Rogue and we awaited her summoning.

Rogue then sent an email to the list of offenders, namely Jean Grey, Jubilee, Magma and me, asking "What is holding you up?" What is holding us up? How do you say laziness nicely? There was really nothing to say. So being the Archangelic lily-livered X-Men that I was, I waited for somebody else to respond first.

Jean Grey did. And she found the perfect substitute for "laziness". It was "sorry". Magma did the decent thing and followed JG's example. I did the career-saving thing and did likewise too. Gutless.

Archangel: Scared so shitless by Rogue that my face turned blue.

And so that was that and we are all supposed to be hard at work, fulfilling the tasks that we should have been doing for months prior but haven't. Why is Rogue suddenly awake and so on-the-ball? I think I have an inkling of an idea.

Our old demi-god had just departed (retired, in fact) sometime last week and the new demi-god in position, while more competent, is also much more on-the-ball, old school and reputedly rules with an iron fist. She has been known to do inspections on her subordinates and well, frowns on people having breakfast during working hours.

But besides the need to impress the new boss, Rogue really isn't exactly the flavour of the month with the upper management here and maybe has more than a little to prove. Just yesterday, something a little unpleasant happened.

Basically, Rogue, Jubilee and Shadowcat is doing some kind of project for our No. 2 and well, they didn't really know what No. 2 wants and so got mnay things wrong the first time around. Much of yesterday was spent amending the mistakes.

And so blah blah blah, they finished their job at around 5:45 and sent the completed piece to Rogue who vetted it and then sent it to No. 2 for some early comments at about 6. No. 2 wasn't supposed to meet them until Friday. But No. 2 finished early and reverted to them at 6:45, when everybody has already gone home.

So No. 2 called Rogue and when he found out that nobody was around and had gone home, I can only imagine that the god was aghast that nobody was around, particularly Jubilee and Shadowcat because he wanted to speak to them specifically. Saying that "how could they not be around yesterday evening, especially when he was on leave today and cannot process work", he later complained to our demi-god, mentioning the names of Jubilee and Shadowcat in the process. From what I understood, demi-god has already spoken to Rogue about this.

Anyway, you get the picture, right? And if you couple this with, what I think is a dim view our gods have of the Office X-Men, you'd know that this can mean one thing and one thing only.


Batman spun on 2:52 PM.