Thursday, February 02, 2006

Geez, what a weird day. First off, I did my first proper piece of work for the year (one has to start sometime and somewhere), writing an email assessment for my demi-god who seems to pounce on anything that might seem of faint interest. the work was generated from yesterday out of nowhere and well, just when I thought I was done and dusted with it...guess what? Demi-god wants a full-pledged effort exploring the issue. WHAT THE @#$%^&*! The issue was nothing! NOTHING! Chao turbine.

I am supposed to discuss with Rogue on Monday to assess if there is worth in pursuing the issue. Does anyone think Rogue will say no? That's like hammering another nail into her tightening civil service coffin.

Anyway, let's talk about other things. This morning as I was going to the toilet, I opened the door and was greeted by a pair of wonderfully large Bambi eyes. Astra AKA My Wife!!! Ahhh the sweetness of it all, almost fainted from the shock of seeing her so up-close. Because up-close she's really quite breathtaking. See her from some distance though and she's erm, well, not bad lah.

Wife: Big, beautiful eyes...hmmm, is she topless?

Just now, as the Office X-Men held a WITS (short for "What Is This Shit?!") meeting at a cozy corner at my Office building. As the cozy corner requires booking and I was the one responsible for that task, I went down to collect the keys to open the cozy corner. And lo and behold, what lay ahead but one of the prettiest receptionists I have EVER seen in this building yet?! The name tag on her table read "Cindy". Her surname shall remain confidential.

"Hello Cindy, wanna be my girl?" 咸湿 Batman invited Pretty Cindy. Immediately, Pretty Cindy says, "Of course, Handsome Batman, you're my man and just to tell you, you're the twenty thousandth person to hit on me." Then she used her handphone to snap a picture of herself and sent it to my Batphone so that this superhero will always be reminded of his maiden. Before kissing me full on the lips, that is. This is her picture.

Pretty Cindy: Don't ask me what "Emotion for Digital" means.

I really gotta go book cozy corner more often. In fact, everyday ah! And wah liao eh, this building got so many maidens for Batman to conquer. Very challenging, but die ah, Batman will become Tiredman soon. So many ladies to satisfy.

Sorry readers for such a nonsensical post, I really wanted to write about my dating exploits and some upcoming ones as well but owing to demands from my readers to keep things short and sweet, that will come as the next post...if you are still reading, that is.

Batman spun on 5:12 PM.