Monday, July 26, 2004
Office X-Men: Quiet Day...For Now

It's a subdued day for The Office X-Men.Maybe it's because Jean Grey is on leave.I am seated next to her and usually she'd blare her CD pretty loud.It's pretty alright,only that she leaves the CD on repeat mode so I end up listening to the same 10 songs for the duration of the entire day.That's the thing about Jean Grey,she's so strong mentally,she erects this force-field around her that she doesn't seem aware she's been listening to the same songs the whole day.I already miss my daily diet of Cake's "I Will Survive"...

Oh and it's a quiet day so far(Am I tempting fate...commentator's curse,you know.).Rogue is not out of her office and sucking out people's life-force.She might go hungry later and bring Jubilee into her office for a life-force Happy Meal.These meetings usually last upwards of two hours no less,in her tiny cramped office.By the end of it,we'd become Senator Kelly(a mass of liquid).Banshee hasn't gone around on his Sonic Scream guard duty yet either.So there's no noise.

Of course the day is just 1 hour in.There is the small matter of an AGM that'd happen at 10:45 later in the morning.Where god gives his ten commandments:Thy shalt know thee is lucky to be here,thy shalt serve in the welfare commitee...etc.Can't wait.There's a free lunch.Oh,wrong focus huh...another thing,this morning,Colossus offered to hammer me in because he didn't want to be Colossus.Offered to show me his power of super-strength.I helpfully bluffed him that Colossus's power wasn't super-strength.If you are reading this,Colossus,it is.Don't listen to me next time.

If any interesting thing happens later in the day,I will update this post with comments.

Batman spun on 9:51 AM.