Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I've have had it up to my neck in regards to Prez Nathan and his publicity-hungry presence.Ok,fine...the Prez Election might be a medium deal (because it certainly isn't a big deal) but Mr Prez doesn't have to KEEP on giving interviews about his age and health!

I had thought that Prez had already addressed these concerns a couple of times before in various interviews...enough to allay our concerns already because we know the full picture by now.

Hell NO!Prez sees fit to grant ANOTHER interview talking about his age and health again.Hey man,you carry on like this,giving interviews about your age and health,we the citizens will be the ones in danger of not living through your next term of 6 years...because we'd get bored to death by you.

Yes yes.You are 81.Yes yes,some people are worried about your health and whether you can last 6 years (personally,I don't think it'd be a huge loss if the full term isn't served.Whatever that means).

But for goodness sake,you have talked about these issues for 2 or 3 times already.Give us a break.We know the deal by now.Don't keep repeating it.Or are Singaporeans that stupid that they have to hear a thing over and over again to have the message drummed into their tiny brains?Please don't assume too much,Prez and the national institute of government.If we are stupid,your education system holds much of the credit for this.

Ok ok ok,I don't want to go into a government bashing post.I am supposed to be bashing just one be honest,I think someone is milking this whole issue to get maximum publicity.I am not gonna say who.You take your pick.

In one's quest to get on the papers almost on a daily basis,I am frankly surprised at the amount of antics one can get up to.Health Issues...get an article and a picture,Charity show...get a full-page picture (no disrespect,it's a good cause),Singapore Idol...chap one ka and get another picture,open National Toilet Bowl Week...get another just try keeping track lah...Scouts meeting,Community week...everything also got a hand.Ok,maybe quite philantrophic...but National Toilet Bowl Week and Singapore Idol...GOD...

I have two words to say: Media-Who**

Batman spun on 9:50 AM.